Colloidal Silver Benefits

ORMAE has its Colloidal Silver research team implanted into South America …. Our research are concentrated on Ebola, Aides and Cancer …

Colloidal silver is a liquid solution created using electrolysis to suspend pure, metallic elemental silver (in groups of particles 15 atoms or fewer, each with a positive electric charge) attached to simple protein molecules, in distilled water. Colloids of silver should stay suspended, rather than sinking to the bottom, as the electric charge is stronger than gravity. Good quality colloidal silver should therefore not require shaking before use, or be dark in colour. Clear or pale yellow colloidal silver is the best as the particle size affects the colour of the solution and the larger particles produce a darker colored liquid, and aren’t easily absorbed by the body.

Colloidal silver is thought to suffocate single celled organisms by disabling the oxygen metabolism enzyme. This allows the bodies own immune system to become more effective at removing these residue pathogens, and thereby become more effective at fending off disease.

Colloidal Silver, Ionic or nano-particles is a powerful natural antibiotic. Very effective against colds, flu, pneumonia, staph, strep, respiratory infections and Rhinovirus.

Our colloidal silver is so effective inside the body than the recommended daily dosage for adults is only 1 tablespoon per day for maintenance.

Colloids from Ormae Laboratory are substances in liquid containing suspended particles small enough so that the mixture is smooth, clear (except for the colloidal gold which color pink).  At bottom of page other colloids and there functions ….

The Colloidal silver eliminates 650 + species of virus, bacteria, germs, parasites, fungi, molds, and mycoplasmas, some in LESS THAN 1 MINUTE !!  Scientifically Proofed Fact.  Doctors today are trained to denies this facts so that the lucrative toxic pharmacology industries thrive ….

History of Use

Before the invention of antibacterial soap, colloidal silver was used as a disinfectant. It is still most commonly used to kill bacteria. Silver is effective at both preventing and combating bacterial illnesses and infections because it does not corrode. In ancient times silver was used in wound dressings and it was frequently used for the same purposes in America following the Civil War. It is also why churches use silver chalices in Communion to stop disease spreading through the congregation. Silver fell out of favor with the advent of regulated synthesized medications but has become popular again along with lifestyle trends that promote natural organic food.

Blue Bloods

Even thousands of years ago, Ancient Greeks realised that the rich families who ate, drank and stored food in silverware were much less likely to be ill than the commoners who ate from ceramics and used iron utensils. The rich people developed a slight blue tinge to their skin from years of silver ingestion, hence the term Blue Bloods was born. (This wasn’t the only reason they were called Blue Bloods. It was also as they mostly avoided working outdoors in the fields, and they tended to marry within their own social group, so they maintained their very pale skin and hence their veins appeared blue through their skin. Blood is not actually blue, although it does become a deeper maroon colour when it has given most of its oxygen to the body and is travelling back to the lungs and heart in veins, compared to the bright red colour of blood in arteries fresh from the lungs and full of oxygen. But blood is never actually blue, it simply appears that way with mostly pale skinned people due to the absorption of light by the blood, reflection of light by the skin, as well as colour perception. It is actually surprisingly complex to explain exactly why we observe veins to be blue in pale skinned people!).

How it Works

Proponents of colloidal silver claim that it is effective against every virus and illness and that it has never reacted dangerously with other medications. Scientific studies have shown that pure silver quickly kills bacteria. It even kills the super-bacteria that evolve after conventional disinfecting agents kill the weak strains of bacteria. Silver acts as a catalyst and disables an enzyme that facilitates actions inside cells. It is not consumed in the process so it is available to keep working again and again. The enzyme silver destroys is required by anaerobic bacteria, viruses, yeast and molds. (Unfriendly bacteria tend to be anaerobic and friendly bacteria aerobic). This is the action that destroys pathogens. It stops them from using the body’s own cells as vehicles for replication. Colloidal silver creates an environment that makes it impossible for pathogens to survive and multiply.

Since it is not designed to combat a specific pathogen but rather works against the very nature of their life cycles, it is an effective preventative agent against all illnesses caused by all pathogens including future mutations. There is no known disease-causing organism that can live in the presence of even minute traces of colloidal silver. Laboratory tests show that anaerobic bacteria, virus, and fungus organisms are all killed within minutes of contact. Parasites are also killed whilst still in their egg stage. Colloidal Silver is effective against infections, colds, influenza, fermentation and parasitic infestations.

Colloidal Silver is touted as a treatment for HIV and AIDS. These claims have not been recognized by the medical community but there is no denying the lengthy survival rates of some AIDS patients who swear by colloidal silver.

The same mechanism that hinders the replication of pathogens also seems to prevent the body from developing cancer. Cancerous tumors form when the cells’ internal regulators stop working. The cells divide at a rate that outstrips the body’s need for them. Colloidal silver recalibrates cells’ rates of division.

When colloidal silver is used as a broad-spectrum viral and bacterial preventative it may cure other seemingly unrelated ailments. People who have sustained severe burns can use colloidal silver to promote healthy cell growth and fend off infections. It reduces the appearance of acne that is bacterial in origin. It helps maintain a healthy digestive environment and it maximizes the amount of nutrients that the body is able to extract from food. Colloidal silver makes it impossible for parasites to flourish and lay their eggs.

Colloidal Silver is also effective as a digestive aid when taken with meals as it stops fermentation of food in the stomach and intestines. Fermentation can occur if food sits there for too long and this can lead gas, bloating, pain, indigestion and reflux, so taking silver can help avoid all these unpleasant symptoms which a lot of people suffer with after meals.

Silver has also been known to destroy water-borne parasites and to filter out impurities.

How to Use

People who use colloidal silver tend to develop their own ways of maximizing its efficacy. People who suffer from conjunctivitis sometimes drop it directly into their eyes several times every day. Throat problems are treated by gargling colloidal silver. The most common way to ingest it is to mix three or four drops into a large glass of water.

Side Effects

All of these positive claims considered, colloidal silver is still ignored by the medical community at large. Scientifically speaking, the human body has no essential need for silver. Someone who is overzealous in his consumption may experience a buildup of the metal in his organs. The most common negative side effect of colloidal silver is a condition called argyria. It causes the skin and eyes to permanently become gray but it does not otherwise affect one’s health. It is claimed that silver does not interact with other drugs or herbs.

Colloïdals – Or/Gold/Oro, Argent/Silver/Plata, Cuivre/Copper/Cobre

Colloidal Gold

Colloidal gold is the mechanism of control of body heat, particularly in cases of chills, hot flashes, night sweats and menopause symptoms Tower, menopause & andropause.

Improvements upon consumption of colloidal gold are:
Arthritis, brain dysfunction, cancer, chills, circulatory disorders, depression, digestive disorders, withdrawal of drugs & alcohol, hot flashes, insomnia, joint inflammation, night sweats, the obesity and seasonal affective disorder (SAD, etc ….

GOLD opens neural pathways.
GOLD regulates the natural rhythm of heart pumping.
GOLD stimulates the brain neural transmitters.
GOLD works with glands.
GOLD harmonizes the nervous system.
GOLD is an important stabilizing collagen
GOLD strengthens libido.
GOLD improves brain function.
GOLD increases IQ.
GOLD improves sexual function.
GOLD is rheumatoid arthritis.
GOLD aid relaxation and blood pressure control.
GOLD has incomparable effects on physical and emotional health.
GOLD has a positive effect to help control ADD (attention deficit disorder) in children.

Or Colloïdal

L’or colloïdal agit sur le mécanisme du contrôle de la chaleur du corps, notamment en cas de frissons, bouffées de chaleur, sueurs nocturnes et les symptômes de la prés-ménopause, ménopause & andropause.

Les améliorations lors de la consommation de l’or colloïdal sont :
Arthrite, les dysfonctionnements du cerveau, le cancer, les frissons, les troubles circulatoires, la dépression, les troubles digestifs, le sevrage des drogues & alcool, les bouffées de chaleur, l’insomnie, l’inflammation articulaire, les sueurs nocturnes, l’obésité et le trouble affectif saisonnier (SAD, etc….

OR ouvre des voies nerveuses.
OR régule le rythme de pompage naturel de c?ur.
OR stimule le cerveau émetteurs de neurones.
OR fonctionne avec des glandes.
OR harmonise le système nerveux.
OR est un important stabilisateur de collagène
OR renforce la libido.
OR améliore le fonctionnement du cerveau.
OR augmente le QI.
OR améliore la fonction sexuelle.
OR agit sur la polyarthrite rhumatoïde.
OR aide relaxation et la pression artérielle contrôle.
OR a des effets incomparables sur la santé physique et émotionnelle.
OR a un effet positif pour aider à contrôler ADD (trouble déficitaire de l’attention) chez les enfants.

ORO abre caminos de los nervios.
ORO regula el ritmo natural de bombeo del corazón.
ORO estimula los neurotransmisores del cerebro.
ORO trabaja con glándulas.
ORO armoniza el sistema nervioso.
ORO es un importante estabilizador de colágeno
ORO fortalece la libido.
ORO mejora la función cerebral.
ORO aumenta IQ.
ORO mejora la función sexual.
ORO es la artritis reumatoide.
ORO Relajación ayuda oro y el control de la presión arterial.
ORO tiene efectos incomparables sobre la salud física y emocional.
ORO tiene un efecto positivo para ayudar a controlar ADD (trastorno por déficit de atención) en los niños.

Colloidal Silver

Kill most germs that beset mankind. To accelerate the healing of wounds and burns. To heal the skin and allergies. Stimulate the natural defenses of the body. Purify water.

The Colloidal silver eliminates 650 + species of virus, bacteria, germs, parasites, fungi, molds, and mycoplasmas, some in LESS THAN 1 MINUTE !!  Scientificaly Proofen Fact.  Doctors today are trained to denies this facts so that the lucratafe toxic pharmacology indistries thrieve

SILVER kills all bacteria and viruses known
SILVER stimulates the immune system.
SILVER accelerates healing and repair.
SILVER accelerates bone and muscle repair.
SILVER body tone and creates a sense of well-being.
SILVER promotes bone and joint health.
SILVER is the solution perfect skin care.
SILVER safely kills infections in the eyes, ears, nose and sinuses.
SILVER Accelerates the healing of muscles and ligaments torn.
SILVER accelerates healing stubborn skin ulcers.
SILVER has killed at least 650 known germs and viruses, and all germs, bacteria, allergens and pathogens introduced to colloidal silver in vitrio during tests in leading scientific and medical institutions both in the United States and worldwide.
SILVER keeps water and foods free of bacteria (as used in most airlines and spacecraft from NASA.
SILVER promotes the growth of healthy plants (kills fungus and infections)
SILVER promotes good health for dogs and most other pets (boosts the immune system and healing accelarates)
SILVER fight the results of pollution and allergens.
SILVER ZINC protects the prostate with

Argent Colloïdal

Tuer la plupart des microbes qui assaillent l’humanité. D’accélérer la cicatrisation des blessures et des brûlures. De soigner la peau et les allergies. De stimuler les défenses naturelles de l’organisme. De purifier l’eau.

L’argent Colloïdal élimine + de 650 espèces de virus, bactéries, microbes, parasites, champignons, moisissures, et mycoplasmes, dont certains en MOINS DE 1 MINUTE !!

ARGENT tue toutes les bactéries et les virus connus
ARGENT stimule le système immunitaire.
ARGENT accélère la guérison et la réparation.
ARGENT accélère la réparation osseuse et musculaire.
ARGENT tons corps et crée le sentiment de bien-être.
ARGENT favorise os et des articulations en bonne santé.
ARGENT est la solution de soin de la peau parfaite.
ARGENT tue en toute sécurité infections dans les yeux, les oreilles, le nez et des sinus.
ARGENT Accélère la guérison de muscles et des ligaments déchirés.
ARGENT accélère la cicatrisation des ulcères tenaces de la peau.
ARGENT a tué au moins 650 germes et les virus connus, et tous les germes, les bactéries, les allergènes et pathogènes présenter à l’argent colloïdal en vitrio lors de tests dans de grandes institutions scientifiques et médicales à la fois aux Etats-Unis et à travers le monde.
ARGENT empêche l’eau et les aliments exempts de bactéries (comme utilisé dans la plupart des compagnies aériennes et des engins spatiaux de la NASA.
ARGENT favorise la croissance des plantes en bonne santé (tue les champignons et les infections)
ARGENT favorise une bonne santé pour les chiens et la plupart des autres animaux de compagnie (stimule le système immunitaire et la guérison accelarates)
ARGENT combat les résultats de la pollution et les allergènes.
ARGENT avec ZINC protège la prostate

PLATA mata todas las bacterias y los virus conocidos
PLATA estimula el sistema inmunológico.
PLATA acelera la cicatrización y reparación.
PLATA acelera la reparación ósea y muscular.
PLATA el tono del cuerpo y crea una sensación de bienestar.
PLATA promueve la salud ósea y articular.
PLATA es la solución de cuidado de la piel perfecta.
PLATA mata con seguridad las infecciones en los ojos, los oídos, la nariz y los senos paranasales.
PLATA Acelera la curación de los músculos y ligamentos desgarrados.
PLATA acelera la curación de las úlceras cutáneas persistentes.
PLATA ha matado al menos a 650 gérmenes y virus conocidos, y todos los gérmenes, bacterias, alérgenos y patógenos introducidos a la plata coloidal in vitro durante las pruebas en las principales instituciones científicas y médicas, tanto en los Estados Unidos y en todo el mundo.
PLATA mantiene el agua y los alimentos libres de bacterias (como se usa en la mayoría de las compañías aéreas y las naves espaciales de la NASA.
PLATA promueve el crecimiento de las plantas sanas (mata hongos e infecciones)
PLATA promueve la buena salud de los perros y la mayoría de los otros animales (estimula el sistema inmunológico y la curación se acelera)
PLATA luchar contra los resultados de la contaminación y los alérgenos.
PLATA ZINC protege la próstata con

Colloidal Copper

Copper has played a most important role in the development of civilizations. The old copper represented by the symbol .II found its origin in various parts of the earth, and especially in Cyprus, which gave it its name: Aes Cyprium.

Some symptoms of copper deficiency: allergy, anemia, aneurysm, arthritis, edema syndrome of the Gulf War, hair loss / baldness, heart disease, hernias, cholesterol high blood, hypo and hyper thyroid, Kawasaki disease, liver cirrhosis, heavy breathing, osteoporosis, parasites, Parkinson’s disease, reduced glucose tolerance, rashes or sores, varicose veins, white or gray hair and wrinkled skin.

COPPER strengthens the blood circulatory system.
COPPER cleans arteries and veins.
COPPER helps resolve lines and wrinkles.
COPPER Synapse increases the response in the brain leading to brain clear clarity.
COPPER improves the elasticity of the skin.
COPPER regulate varicose veins.
COPPER is effective against parasites
COPPER can provide the missing element against osteoporosis.
COPPER aid in the prevention of stroke.
COPPER helps prevent arteriosclerosis
COPPER recovery assistance graying hair and preserves the natural color of the youth of origin.
COPPER relieves joint and muscle pain and blood oxygen. It also brings more blood in areas punitory topical application.

Cuivre Colloïdal

Le cuivre a joué un rôle des plus importants dans le développement des civilisations. Les anciens représentèrent le cuivre par le symbole .II a trouvé son origine dans plusieurs régions de la terre, et notamment à Chypre, qui lui a donné son nom : Aes Cyprium.

Certains symptômes d’une carence en cuivre : les allergies, l’anémie, un anévrisme, l’arthrite, les oedèmes, syndrome de la guerre du Golfe, la perte de cheveux/calvitie, les maladies du cœur, les hernies, le cholestérol sanguin élevé, l’hypo et l’hyper thyroïde, maladie de Kawasaki, la cirrhose du foie, respiration oppressée, l’ostéoporose, les parasites, la maladie de Parkinson, la tolérance au glucose réduite, des éruptions cutanées ou des plaies, les varices, les cheveux blancs ou gris, et la peau ridée.

CUIVRE renforce le système circulatoire sanguin.
CUIVRE nettoie les artères et les veines.
CUIVRE aide des lignes de résoudre les rides et ridules.
CUIVRE Synapse augmente la réponse dans le cerveau à cerveau clarté limpide.
CUIVRE améliore l’élasticité de la peau.
CUIVRE réguler les varices.
CUIVRE est efficace contre les parasites
CUIVRE peut fournir l’élément manquant contre l’ostéoporose.
CUIVRE l’aide de cuivre dans la prévention des AVC.
CUIVRE aide à prévenir l’artériosclérose
CUIVRE assistance au relèvement cheveux grisonnants et préserve la couleur naturelle de la jeunesse d’origine.
CUIVRE soulage les douleurs articulaires et musculaires et de l’oxygène dans le sang. Il apporte également plus de sang dans l’application topique de domaines.

COBRE fortalece el sistema circulatorio de la sangre.
COBRE limpia arterias y venas.
COBRE El cobre ayuda a resolver las líneas y arrugas.
COBRE Sinapsis aumenta la respuesta en el cerebro que conduce a cerebro claridad claro.
COBRE mejora la elasticidad de la piel.
COBRE regular venas varicosas.
COBRE es eficaz contra los parásitos
COBRE puede proporcionar el elemento que falta contra la osteoporosis.
COBRE ayuda en la prevención del ictus.
COBRE El cobre ayuda a prevenir la arteriosclerosis
COBRE asistencia para la recuperación pelo canoso y conserva el color natural de la casa de la juventud.
COBRE alivia el dolor articular y muscular y el oxígeno en la sangre. También trae más sangre en la aplicación tópica áreas punitory.

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